Cyber security business beyond pandemic

We started preparing our clients for the possibility of a lockdown in February. Back then, a potential lockdown was not seen as imminent or even likely for the UK. We reviewed our clients’ existing business continuity plans and created a pandemic strategy. We knew we would have to keep their businesses operating by moving their entire work forces home.

Then suddenly lockdown across the UK became a reality and we had to move whole companies to remote working over a single weekend. This brought about some huge logistical and technical challenges for our team. Like our clients, we also had to adapt our business practises to deliver to all our clients quickly but with security at the forefront of everything. We needed to get out to employees’ homes, deliver laptops and other hardware, then login to set up WIFI, install software and systems (even online school for one client) remotely. But most importantly it had to be secure and safe for our clients.

Other businesses might not have had a plan or support to implement one. Many employees will have switched to using their personal computers out of necessity or convenience. Most of these devices will not have the right level of security for a business, creating potentially increased threats to corporate security. Since lockdown started, there has been a huge increase in compromised email accounts, attacks via ransomware and malware, invoice and payment fraud, data breaches and more. Sadly, fraudsters are active, and you must take steps to protect your business. If you rushed to get everyone online at home, take the time now to check the security on the devices they are using. Make sure your work data is being securely backed up, revisit your business continuity plan and make sure you are secure during this pandemic and beyond.

IQinIT Managing Director Katerina Damcova says: “This shift in working from home is here to stay, the accelerated change was long overdue and many of our clients are already planning to keep this as a standard practice. This means changing and adapting the way we support our clients also, and we have learned that we can do this and do it well. We are embracing the change, you can too as long as it’s secure!”
