International Fraud Week, November 16-21, 2020 

Why you need to act against cybercrime during the COVID pandemic 


It’s International #fraudweek! Why does it matter? There has been a massive acceleration in cyber-crime since the start of the COVID pandemic, with a 660% increase in March alone according to the Office for National Statistics.  The nature of these cyber-attacks varies, but there are increasing trends in email hacking leading to serious invoicing fraud. Ransomware attacks, phishing and data breaches are also increasingly common resulting in costly downtime. 

With fast-paced changes in workplaces and more staff working from home, cyber-criminals are exploiting vulnerabilities created by the situation.  The increased risk to business is a real and serious threat.  Cyber-attacks can cause both data and financial loss for organisations already impacted by COVID.   

So, what can you do prevent yourself becoming a victim to cyber-fraud? Having a security plan in place to protect your company and employees from cyber-crime is essential.  The most cost-effective way to deal with fraud is to prevent it!  

As a business, knowing where to start can be daunting. IQ in IT uses and recommends cyber-security training tool to train all your employees what to look for.  We use it for our own staff as well. 

Our training platform offers comprehensive and ongoing training for all your staff.  There are quizzes, cartoons, graphics, downloads and even comedy shows to engage your staff in learning.  The platform is fully interactive, allowing managers to track staff engagement, identify risk and any further training needs.   

At IQ in IT, we set this up for our clients and work with you to understand any identified risks and make suggestions on actions you can take to protect yourself.  Avoid becoming a statistic.  

Book your fraud health check up here:

or give us a call on 0330 1224 420 

You might also like to see our free webinar explaining all about cyber-crime and simple steps you can take to prevent it. 





